Star wars battlefront 2 hud mod
Star wars battlefront 2 hud mod

star wars battlefront 2 hud mod

This modification and all included files should not be distributed without my permission except in the case of publicly accessible free download websites (Filefront, etc) and only if all associated files are included. You can download it here: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=29034. You will need the Evolved mod to make it works better and see all the modifications better. Note: I've tested the mod and he works well. Uninstall the "TES" folder, replace the "mission.lvl" by a backup one and delete all the ".lvl" files added by the mod on the "side" folder. To finish, put the "side" folder on the same location as the "mission.lvl", It brings the asj.lvl, tcw.lvl, bf2.lvl, imp_urban.lvl, heroes.lvl and ben.lvl on the stock "side" folder. Then put the "mission.lvl" on the stock data/lvl_pc folder. First of all, put the "TES" folder into the addon folder located on Program Files (x89)/Lucasart/Star Wars Battlefront 2/Gamedata folder. A new officer for the Empire (the regular one is only playable on Hoth and Mygeeto).

star wars battlefront 2 hud mod

Death Star Reinforcement fix supported in the mod Snow troopers for the Alliance and the Empire on Mygeeto Obi-Wan Kenobi now playable on Polis Massa for the Republic

star wars battlefront 2 hud mod

ATST pilot for the Empire on all the map except on the Death Star, Hoth and Mygeeto New skin for Darth Maul more close to the season 5 of The Clone Wars and "Son of Dathomir Issue 4" style weapon New hero for the Republic: Anakin Skywalker (Yavin 4, Mos Eisley, Mustafar and Jabba's Palace) More maps for Dooku: Mustafar and Jabba's Palace "Rebel Smuggler" rename as "Rebel Engineer" Felucia sniper on Mustafar for the Republic Ep2 Clones on Yavin 4, Mos Eisley (due to the Clone Wars serie), Polis Massa and Kamino Rebels units more accurate to the 4th movie on Yavin 4 (Fleet Riffleman, Desert Rocketeer, Pilot engineer, Fleet sniper, regular Bothan officer) A total new hero for the Alliance: Ben Kenobi (playable on the Death Star and Polis Massa) Darth Vader as Empire hero on Kashyyyk, Yavin 4, Death Star and Polis Massa (because, as Grievous, he can breath outside) The Emperor as Empire hero on Mygeeto, Felucia and Utapau (due to the Order 66) New maps for Grievous: Death Star and Polis Massa (because he can breath outside) Asajj Ventress as the CIS hero on Felucia, Kashyyyk and Yavin 4 Urban units for the rebels on Coruscant and Naboo Yoda as the Alliance hero on Coruscant There is all the change bring by the mod: This mod change the original side on the original packaged maps. Sides Overhaul Mod for Star Wars Battlefront 2. Hello modders and mappers, here is Indytotof.

Star wars battlefront 2 hud mod